Aletta's Goatfarm
Goatcheese & more made with love
perfect idea for Business Donations/ Groups
Farming on Bonaire is a great challenge. All goods are imported which leads to high priced, unaffordable products, lack of food and water, especially in the dry season leads the farmers to let their livestock roam free over the island. This is a major problem for the environment. Overgrazing has dramatic consequences. Aletta’s ambitions are set high to be a Role Model for others. Working on a permaculture project she wants to meet the needs for successful farming on Bonaire for everybody.
Your donation is a support for Aletta’s pilot project, keeping the goats off the roads, but on your farm and developing the water/ permaculture project.
500,- EUR (europe)
500,- US$ (local)
limited adoptions per year still available for 2014
TO ADOPT please bank transfer to:
ABN-AMRO rekening:
IBAN: NL87ABNA0525631518
t.n.v. J.F.P. van Beeck en/of I. van Beeck-Reemers
(ouders van Aletta / Aletta's parents),
te Helmond
MCB Bonaire
Kunuku Tras di Montagne B.V.
account nr 116.432.05
Adress: Kunuku Tras di Montagne #30
Rincon Noord, Bonaire, C.N.
omschrijving: "name of the goat"
Please send us an email with a screenshot of your banktransfer, so we can send you an adoption certificate

Each Goat in the adoption program is proudly representing all goats can have multiple adopters ; It is ensured, that your adoption donation will serve and support all goats and developments for the farm. Depending on the hight of the adoption value, the number of possible adopters is limited. (Similar to limited editions for art) An adoption can be done anytime of the year and is valid for the same year.
An adoption ends 31. December of the same year. If you wish to prolong the adoption pls. send us a mail to semperkontentu@hotmail.com end of December 2014 with a screenshot of your bank transfer for the next year with the same amount.